Day 3

Continue working on games (10AM)

We’ll spend most of the morning continuing work on our games. We’ll do another round of paired feedback like we did yesterday morning. This time, partners will do a full playtest of each others games and give more feedback.

Around lunch time, hopefully you’ll be nearing completion of your game (or as close as possible).

Lunch (12PM)

Picture of hamburgers.

Finalizing your game (1PM)

Copyright & Citations
  • We encourage using the Creative Commons system for assigning copyright.
  • Copyright is important because it tells others how they can use your materials without asking for your permission.
  • Although many of the public domain assets listed on the Day 2 page don’t require citations, we encourage you to cite them. Of course where required, please use appropriate citations. 🙂
Exporting Instructions

Once your game is finished, access your Twine game and “Publish to File:”

Showing where to "Publish to File" in Twine software

The exported file from Twine can be played, uploaded, and/or shared with others.

Note: If you used any media files, you will want to put them in a folder with your .html file and compress the whole folder to a .zip file before you share. You can download this game to see an example of this in practice. If you have questions, please ask us.

Submit final products

You can fill out this Google Form if you have a Google account to submit your game and answer a few questions about how you want it hosted on this website.

Alternatively (if you don’t have a Google account, use this link to upload your game to Dropbox. Please name your game file (Ex: game_title.html) the title of your game.

With your permission, we can host these games for you like we’ve done for previous participants.

More Publishing Platforms
Play final game prototypes

After the games have been collected, we’ll take a few minutes and play each others games. If you want your game to be shared alongside other XP games, we’ll distribute the URL for your game at this time.

Use eXperience Play

If you had fun participating in XP, I expect your students would too. You are more than welcome to use XP in your courses (or for any other endeavors). We’d be happy to help get you started.

Since XP is licensed as CC-BY-NC-SA, you don’t have to ask for permission to modify, use, or share our materials for any purpose as long as you are within the bounds of the license. Let us know if this interests you or if you want to collaborate! 🙂


  • What are the major take aways from today?
  • Where might game design fit into your courses? What would you want students to learn from a game design project?
  • What have you gained from your experience making a text-based game?

Link for shared notes in Google Docs
