We’ll spend some time getting to know one another and the journey we’ll be undertaking. Over three days, we’ll build and complete Twine games/prototypes (or as close to completion as possible). The game design process is rich with topics we’ll explore further through discussion. In particular, we’ll consider ways in which games, game design, etc. might be engaging components of curriculum.
Lastly, this professional development is meant to be fun! 🙂
– Demonstrates how text-based games can be both short and personal.
– Additional coding can be utilized to add features to text-based games like timers.
– Illustrates how text-based games can give players various experiences through role play.
– Gives players situational empathy for others facing various life-choices.
What is Twine? – Twine is a free, open-source tool that can be used on any device. Users create a visual storyboard linking together the passages of their text. Twine is easy to learn and implement, and it teaches aspects of HTML and web literacy.
1st Twine Syntax – The most important tool—linking passages:
Link passages using [[this syntax]].
Here’s a variation on the [[syntax|Passage Title]].
Video Guide – If you want to learn more beyond the 1st Twine Syntax, start here:
What are the major take aways from today?
Are you more interested in making games for students to play or having students design games? Why?
How does eXperience Play relate to digital storytelling?